What Can We Do When Faced with Monumental Decisions?

The task lying before him was overwhelming. His master, Abraham, had given him total authority in the finding of a bride for Isaac. He swore to the patriarch that he would not seek a wife from among the Canaanites but would find one among Abraham’s relatives in Mesopotamia. He promised that under no circumstances would he take Isaac back to Chaldea, for Isaac was to inherit the land God had promised Abraham and his descendants.

It likely took several days, even weeks, before the unnamed servant reached his destination. One can only imagine what thoughts he had as he traveled.  But when he arrived in Mesopotamia, he prayed fervently that God would give him success and thereby show kindness to Abraham.

God answered his prayer in a most remarkable way. Even before he finished praying, the future bride was standing beside him. As it became apparent that God had heard him and he learned that indeed Rebekah  was from Abraham’s family, “the man bowed down his head and worshiped the LORD” (Gen. 24:26). He was so thankful that God’s mercy had been shown to him.

When he met Laban, Rebekah’s father, he told him of the prayer he had offered to God and that God had answered it. As Laban heard this, he saw that God was part of the events and gave his consent for the marriage to take place. “When Abraham’s servant heard their words… he worshiped the LORD, bowing himself to the earth” (Gen. 24:52).

There is more to the story (read Genesis chapter 24), but think of the following lessons we can learn from this one event.

(1) Prayer should be a vital part of the selection of the person anyone is dating or contemplating marrying.

(2) Prayer should precede every major decision we make. When faced with crisis, pray!

(3) Prayer is heard in heaven and God answers.

(4) Prayer that is answered should be followed by a prayer of thanksgiving that God has heard us.

(5) Prayer, while not designed to be heard by others or said to impress them, should not be hidden. Don’t be afraid to pray publicly because of what others might think.

(6) Prayer shaped the destiny of Abraham’s family and it affects the destiny of yours.

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