Soul Food

Soul Food

God provides a source of materials to nourish the body which keeps us going and growing.  He has provided unlimited amounts of burgers and bananas, but it is up to us to balance our diets.  In like manner, our spirits need food.  But, what does it mean to, “taste and see that the LORD is good . . .” (Psa. 34:8)?  How can we taste the Lord?

“taste and see that the LORD is good . . .” (Psa. 34:8)?

“taste and see that the LORD is good . . .” (Psa. 34:8)?

Think about this: without regular “soul food,” our faith, hope and love do not have the nourishment needed to grow and soon, we find our relationship with God suffering, then we become weak and ineffective and before you know it, we’re on our way to spiritual anorexia.  Thus, regular feasting on the spiritual provisions God supplies will prevent this from happening.  Our basic food groups for the soul are: the Bible, prayer, worship and spending time with others who want to grow closer to God.  So, make sure read the Bible, that you talk to God in prayer, that you worship God sincerely and that you get involved in the work of the church.  And, once you acquire taste for real soul food, you will never want to go hungry again.

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