Noah walked with God

Noah walked with God

The man Noah is mentioned in both the Old Testament and the New Testament of the Bible.  He was born during a timeframe when the Lord saw that the hearts of mankind were focused upon evil “continually”.  Due to this fact, God had it in mind to destroy man. After generations of bad decisions, the majority chose to wholly pursue evil.  Noah was not one of those people.  He chose to be righteous (Genesis 6:9).  His example (and that of Enoch before him) demonstrates Humans are not inherently evil as Calvinists proclaim.  “Noah Found Grace in the eyes of the Lord” because of the way he walked with God. walked with God

Noah is widely known for his obedience in building an ark by the commandment of the Lord.  The ark saved Noah, his wife, sons, and daughters-in-law from the wrath of God upon the sinful via a worldwide flood.  It is quite likely that those with Noah were saved to enable the repopulation of the earth (Genesis 9:1).  However, consider the possibility that they were saved due to Noah’s righteous instruction (2 Peter 2:5).  God could have easily started humanity again from the rocks of the earth (Matthew 3:9).  He could have repopulated earth with only Noah and his wife birthing children.  God did not choose to just save two, He saved eight.  In the book of Ezekiel, Noah is mentioned in the grouping of two other men: Daniel and Job.  These also were righteous, God-fearing men.  The text in Ezekiel establishes that no righteous man can deliver the souls of others, but rather souls are saved by their own righteousness that is by faith.  Thus, again, consider the proclamation of righteousness by Noah.  Noah walked with God and may very well have led to the obedient walk and salvation of those with him.

Another intriguing aspect of the life of Noah is that his father Lamech declared Noah would bring relief concerning the work of their hands upon the cursed ground.  Recall that the ground of the earth (nothing else) was cursed when Adam and Eve sinned in the garden.  Many consider this curse to continue today, however, the Bible does not substantiate this claim.  In fact, the Bible refutes it.  Following the flood, Noah and his family depart from the Ark.  Noah then made an offering to the Lord.  God declares that for the sake of man He will no longer curse the earth.  Does He know that man will continue to conceive of evil even when young?  Yes.  However, the Eternal Father blesses man in their new beginning, desiring once again that they be fruitful and fill the earth.

Noah is a transitional character in scripture.  He is the end of an era and the start of another.  Noah walked with God and is an example of how important that is.  Noah’s life illustrates the impact of not only living righteously but sharing God’s direction to live so.  Noah could not save the world, but by proper recognition of God, he enabled the creation of another.  He ended a curse, and he drew a blessing.  Noah was only one person, but he was the right person.  He was the person that God desired him to be.

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