On Thing Leads to Another

On Thing Leads to Another

This morning when I got into work, I set about on the task of trying to get my plastic carpet protector under my office chair to quit scooting across the floor. This led me to a local hardware store for some Velcro, but the Velcro wouldn’t stick to the carpet, so I opted for a big strip of shelving liner that has non-skid properties. After lifting the large plastic carpet protector, the obviously dirty carpet beneath needed to be vacuumed, so I got the vacuum, cleaned the carpet, and then vacuumed the whole office afterward. This led to straightening up the office in other ways: shelving books, storing papers, trashing empty cardboard boxes, removing some equipment that was no longer needed – all from just trying to get my carpet protector to stay in place! It was a full morning’s work. Sometimes, one thing just leads to another.

This story has a spiritual application. There are some small things that you can do to get involved in the Lord’s work, and then, one thing will lead to another in a good way! You will find yourself more connected to your brothers and sisters in Christ. You will be less interested in the things of the world. You will be more concerned about the church and its work of evangelism. Your relationship with God will grow! Your love, joy, and contentment will increase, and you will feel good about yourself. It just takes one little step to get started. Galatians 6:9 says, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Let’s let one spiritual thing lead to another for Christ and the church!

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