9 Truths About the Birth of Jesus

9 Truths About the Birth of Jesus

1. The birth of Jesus was a long prophesied and long anticipated event:

  1. Jesus would be born of the “seed” of a woman. Genesis 3:15/Luke 1:34-35
  2. Jesus would be born of a virgin. Isaiah 7:14/Luke 1:34-35, Jeremiah 31:22, Matthew 1:18-20
  3. Jesus would be Immanuel, “God with us.” Isaiah 7:14/Matthew 1:21-23
  4. Jesus would be called by his name before he was born. Isaiah 49:1/Luke 1:30-31
  5. Jesus would be born in Bethlehem. Micah 5:2/Matthew 2:1-2
  6. The birth of Jesus. Isaiah 9:6/Luke 2:11
  7. Jesus would be protected by God. Isaiah 49:2/Matthew 2:13-15
  8. Jesus would grow up in a poor family. Isaiah 11:1/Luke 2:7, Isaiah 53:2, Luke 2:7
  9. Jesus would be aware of his Father from his youth. Psalm 22:9/Luke 2:40

2. God himself orchestrated a major celebration involving believers:

This celebration involved people from all walks of life, various ethnic, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds.  These included shepherds, angels, wise men from many countries, prophets, etc.birth of jesus

3. The birth of Jesus was unique in the ancient world:

  1. It was unique primarily because Jesus was born of a virgin, however, this truth could only have been accepted by faith. For only Mary would have known for certain that she was a virgin. Everyone else had to accept this by faith.
  2. Jesus’ conception was a miracle but it was not observable.
  3. The virgin birth was not something that could be proven!
  4. The idea of a virgin birth was not significant to an unbelieving world, because it was only hearsay.
  5. Note: artificial insemination is a modern procedure not possible at that time
  6. God brought the Messiah into the world by the birth of the Holy Spirit. It was not an observable witness to confirm his deity like the miracles, his teachings, or his resurrection.

4. The birth of Christ is unique for at least three reasons:

  1. Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit. No one else has ever, nor will ever be born/conceived physically of the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 1:20)
  2. Jesus was living before he was earthly born. No one has ever been born into this world who was already living prior to their conception. Jesus came to earth from eternity and was born into time. (1 Timothy 3:16, Philippians 2:5-8).
  3. Jesus’ birth was specially noted. It was announced beforehand and surrounded by notable events. The births of most historical figures only become significant after they have a accomplished something great. Jesus’ birth was significant before he did anything and no one’s birth has been or ever will be predicted 700 years before the actual birth.

5. God’s message in the birth of Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us. Jesus birth is a declaration of relationship. God highlights this relationship:

  1. “Son” (Father and Son) (John 1:12, Romans 8:14, 1 John 3:1-2)
  2. “God With Us” (Matthew 1:23)
  3. “He was made like us” (Hebrews 2:17)

6. The birth of Christ is an important event, but other events transcend its importance. For example:

  1. His ministry of healing, miracles, and teaching.
  2. His crucifixion.
  3. His resurrection.

7. The birth of Christ identifies with our spiritual birth:

    1. Like Jesus; We are called to be born of God, John 1:1-14
    2. Like Jesus; Our spiritual birth is celebrated by believers.
    3. Like Jesus; Our spiritual birth is the beginning of a new life, Romans 6:1-4, “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? 2 Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it? 3 Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? 4 Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life” (NKJV).
    4. Like Jesus; our spiritual birth is considered a lowly birth from the world’s perspective.

8. The birth of Christ confronts all believers with certain truths:

  1. Our hope does not rest in his birth, but in his resurrection.
  2. We do not worship an infant in a Manger, but a risen Lord.
  3. Believers are not baptized into his birth, but into his death.
  4. Disciples are called to celebrate his death and resurrection in the Lord’s supper.

9. Histories testimony confirms the significance of his birth, thereby affirming his status as the son of God:

  1. His birth influenced the way the world measures time:
    1. B.C. Before Christ
    2. A.D Anno Domini, Latin, meaning the year of our Lord.
  2. His birth is still the most celebrated birth in all the world. It transcends nations and cultures.
  3. His birth is inspiration for the greatest season of goodwill among men.

The Birth of Christ Jesus

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