2024 is Coming to an End

2024 is Coming to an End

Another year that the Lord has given us, is soon coming to an end.  This last year has been crazy if for no other reason than it was an election year.  However, I have hope in my heart that America is making some good changes toward the glorification of God.2024 is coming to an end

As the coming year unfolds, let us, as the faithful of the Lord, exercise self control.  May this be in our personal and business relationships, our community example, and our individual life choices.  Let us put aside quick and foolish responses to stimuli beyond our control.  Let us reign in our desires as to worldly influence.  May we by 2205 have demonstrated ourselves as a sober minded rational people.

Let us set our minds on being strong in our stance against evil in the coming year.  It is easy to succumb to fear and timidity.  Individuals, groups, and the government itself can terrorize our hearts such that we freeze or draw back from what should be said or done.  Do not falter in the remembrance that God is on the side of the faithful.  Oppression will come.  Persecution will come.  However, a righteous people boldly proclaiming the Word of Christ, teaching society the proper way to walk in the light of God, can save a nation.  In your homes, in your work, in your public conversations, in public meetings, in your school systems, in your church, stand strong and share the truth that can deliver and set others right in the sight of God.

For 2025, be kind.  Be gracious.  Be loving.  It does not take much to reach out to others with a good word or a kind action.  Don’t film it.  Don’t record it.  Don’t seek out some artificial 15 minutes of fame for what should always be done. Good does not have to be capitalized on by making certain you have branded it with your name or your church’s name. Do good because it needs to be done.  Help your fellow neighbors and citizens.  Put aside laziness and self interest and demonstrate true caring.  There are thousands of options for doing something for others.  Simplicity can rule the day.  Lend a hand to someone’s work.  Take the time to have a conversation.  PUT YOUR PHONE DOWN AND WALK AWAY FROM IT so you can put joy into another person’s life.  Share that joy with the people around you every day.

Friends, as we end a year and start another, may God bless you.  May you endure all the trials and troubles and come out lifting not only yourself but others toward our Lord and Savior.

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