It’s Inspired, I Believe

It’s Inspired, I Believe

I believe in God. Therefore, I believe God. I believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Heb. 11:6). I believe that every word, of His holy word, right down to the last jot, tittle (Matt. 5:18), dotted ‘i’ and crossed ‘t’ is absolutely and totally true (Jn. 17:17); is divinely inspired and dictated (2 Ptr. 1:20-21; 2 Tim. 3:16-4:4); and is eternally, once and for all, forever firmly and changelessly fixed and settled in heaven (Psa. 119:89 ESV; Matt. 19:4-8; 1 Tim. 2:11-13; Jude 3). Therefore, I resolutely accept and believe that we must live by every single word of God’s holy word, just as our faithful Lord Jesus said and insisted on (Matt. 4:4); and that any lifestyle or worship practices which therefore either rebelliously counteract or contradict His holy commandments, or which cannot be found in or are condemned by His holy word, are in fact vain, useless, futile, and will absolutely result in the eternal condemnation of their continuing advocates and supporters (Mk. 7:5-13; Ro. 1:18-32, 10:17; 1 Cor. 6:9-10, 14:33-37; Gal. 5:19-21; & etc).

The Bible is inspired.

The Bible is inspired.

Because I believe exactly and completely what it says in God’s holy written word, I also believe that Jesus Christ – the walking, talking, living, breathing Word of God which “became flesh and dwelt among us” (Jn. 1:14) – is God’s only begotten Son Himself (Jn. 3:16). As such, I absolutely believe and accept that He is the one and only exclusive way to heaven, and that there is absolutely no other path or way there whatsoever (Jn. 14:6). I cannot for one minute, moment, second, or millisecond therefore, accept in any way, shape, or form, that we’re all just simply ‘on different paths to the same place,’ because that utterly, abjectly, and completely contradicts the eternally settled in heaven word of the incredible God I love, trust, believe and have complete faith in. He said there’s only ONE way – and that is His Son’s way. His holy word, which I summarily accept and believe exactly as it is written, irrevocably and unashamedly states that “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father…” (Eph. 4:4-6). There is, according to God in that particular passage, only one, acceptable, undivided and pre-denominational body (which is His Son’s one saved and undivided church; see: Jn. 17:20-22; Eph. 1:22-23; Col. 1:18, 24; 1 Cor. 1:10; and especially Ro. 16:16), just exactly in the same, one, exclusive way that there is only one Holy Spirit of God (Jn. 16:7-15); only one legitimate hope of getting to heaven (a hope based solely on God’s Son, word, and way); only one Lord (the Lord Jesus Christ of course); only one faith (the one faith once delivered for all the saints exactly as it was set forth in the scriptures prior to the end of the first century – see 1 Tim. 4:1-6; Jude 3); one baptism (which is exclusively for the forgiveness or washing away of one’s sins and to be saved; see: Acts 2:37-41, 22:16; 1 Ptr. 3:21); and of course, only one God (Isa. 44:8).

Now, because I believe only, exactly, and exclusively in the one God of that word (and every single word of the entire, divinely-inspired word of that one and only God), it always puts me in direct opposition and confrontation, to and with, the lost and unbelieving, impenitent and prideful, bible-denying and rejecting world all around me, just as it has done to all those who did the same who came before me (Lk 6:21-26).

The atheists will surely call me an idiot or worse; the wishy-washy, “accept anything that blurs the lines between right and wrong” (Isa. 5:20-21) “anything goes” (Jud. 21:25) crowd will probably call me intolerant and a Neanderthal knuckle-dragger or some such; the worldly and biblically-ignorant will more than likely harshly and hypocritically point their finger of judgment at me for being what they perceive as my being overly critical, mean-spirited, and judgmental; the self-righteous and rebellious religious crowd that seeks to bend, twist, stretch, ignore and/or pervert God’s truth to fit their own particular desires and preferences will probably refer to me as everything from old-fashioned, to legalistic, to narrow-minded and more; but that’s all okay (Matt. 7:13-14; 1 Ptr. 4:3-6).

And the reason that that’s all okay with me? It’s because according to God’s holy word which will judge us all on the last day (Jn. 12:48), as long as I stay faithful to and do not deny His holy and divinely-inspired word as written, my God will refer to me as His good and faithful servant on that last day and reward me with a place in His heavenly kingdom (Matt. 25)! And to me, that’s all that matters!

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