Child of God

Child of God

What does it mean to be a child of God? It means being a part of His family and enjoying all the blessings that come with that privilege. God has adopted us to his family when we obey the gospel through repentance, confession, and baptism: the price of the adoption was paid for with the blood of Christ. We then, being His children, have a place at his table. But the continued blessings (and an ultimate receiving of the inheritance) of being His child require certain things of us.

A Child of God receives the blessings of His inheritance.

A Child of God receives the blessings of His inheritance.

In 1 John 3–5, John tells us that the child of God: 1) Purifies himself (3:3); 2) Does not sin (3:6), because he continues to walk in the light and the blood of Jesus continues to cleanse him (1 John 1:7–10); 3) Is not deceived (3:7); 4) Does righteousness (3:7, 10); 5) Loves their brethren (3:10, 14, 17, 4:20); 6) Cares for his brothers (3:16); and 7) Keeps his commands (3:22–23).

This tall order is fulfilled in daily, faithful Christian living. Fervent in prayer, diligent in study, faithful in assembling, and using every opportunity to serve God and each other. This is all possible because He that is in us is stronger than he that is in the world (4:4). Be not afraid and keep His commands, knowing and enjoying the blessings of being the sons of God. Be faithful!

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